Anicia A Williams, LMFT
Hi there!
I am a psychotherapist in Marin County, CA and Seattle, WA specializing in multicultural issues, mental health, trauma, addictions and the relationships that suffer as a result. I knew I wanted to be a therapist when I was nine after I “counseled” my neighbor who wanted to run away from home.
As an only child, I spent much of my childhood observing. I observed a lot of dysfunction and from an early age began to think about the ways in which I could help others, not recognizing until later in life, that I too needed help. I let my negative core beliefs (self-talk/schemas) and the idea of who I thought I was supposed to be guide me away from who I was meant to be. I allowed others’ actions dictate how loveable and desirable I was.
I am here now to help anyone willing, to love and honor the person they are today, recognize their story’s ending is one that they get to choose. I am not my trauma, and neither are you! I have experienced trauma, loss and heartbreak. But I am so much more and so are you.
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I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves
through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.
Feeling down lately and nothing seems to lift your spirits? Feeling isolated and alone, even though you are surrounded by people who care and love you?
I have an integrative couples therapy approach meeting each couples individual needs. I provide you both with tools and insight to achieve your goals in life
I collaborate with your family to improve communication and develop skills needed to work through times of challenge and discord